New exporters

Encourage businesses to export

Exports are the driving force of the Styrian economy. Almost every second job in Styria is directly affected by exports. However, a significant number of Styrian companies still do not realise their export potential. This is the reason why building the export foundations of the Styrian economy is highly important. In order to avoid inconveniences and reduce the level of risks in the export business, good preparation for entering the target market and the evaluation of opportunities abroad are key factors for a long-term success beyond domestic borders.

Advice initiative for new exporters

The ICS offers free practical advice to micro, small, medium and large-sized companies in Styria. The main objective behind this initiative is to encourage those who consider exporting for the first time by offering extensive advice and support in order for their chosen target markets to become successful long-term partners for Styria.

As a partner organisation of ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA, the ICS provides information and advice to interested export-oriented companies on insightful topics such as:

  • general services/product portfolio of the ICS and ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA
  • the ADVANTAGE AUSTRIA offices around the world and the services of trade commissioners
  • up-to-date and reliable information on various foreign markets
  • business to business networking opportunities on a global scale
  • opportunities for advice and support in the target market
  • group travel (trade missions, market exploration trips, etc.) to near or distant markets
  • market entry support with the help of ICS’s special focus programmes
  • export funding: information on existing export funding, e.g.: the internationalisation initiative “go-international” (offers/services of personal and free of charge meetings with specialists to discuss export funding opportunities)

Make use of our broad range of services and contact us for all questions regarding internationalisation!

You want to assess how fit your business is for future projects abroad?
You can find the Export Fit Check, a large media library and further information on our online service and information platform

Further services for export starters:
Special support services for export starters will be offered especially within the EU project EXPEDIRE. You will be provided with everything you need for your successful entry into foreign markets, starting from coaching, qualifications to looking for business partners.