AustrianStartups Summit

Anmeldung zur Veranstaltung
Semper Depot Wien | Lehárgasse 6-8, 1060 Wien, Austria
Es gibt keine zukünftigen Veranstaltungen.

Ihr Kontakt im ICS


T +43 316 601 275
M +43 664 8179369

The dawn of a new entrepreneurial era

The AustrianStartups Summit is the established yearly reunion of the Austrian startup community.

We bring together startups, scaleups, business angels, VCs and ecosystem players and those …
…who believe they can play a role in a brighter future
…who love to work on real problems
…who believe in the power of big dreams

What to expect


➡ Opening Keynote by Ali Mahlodji at 1pm

➡ Amazing speakers & guests sharing their insights and experiences in fireside chats

➡ Masterclasses hosted by Microsoft, Canva, Boardroom

➡ Startup Fair to explore innovations and companies

➡ Pitch competition as part of Startup World Cup

➡ Matchmaking: 1on1s in the exclusive investor’s lounge

➡ Live Future Weekly Podcast

➡ Connect with all participants via dedicated digital community group

➡ Free food & drinks by Wrapstars, Meinl, Neoh, Red Bull, Ottakringer & Culligan Austria

➡ Networking & Aftershow Party


Get your tickets here: AustrianStartups Summit 2024
